About Pulse RPA®
Pulse RPA® delivers unparalleled efficiency by automating repetitive processes that once took hours of time for staff to complete. Councils can further streamline their operations, ensuring greater accountability, and enhancing service delivery to its residents.
It utilises Robotic Process Automation (RPA), also referred to as software robotics, which employs automation technologies to replicate the back-office responsibilities performed by human workers.

Robust Power Automate Flows
Our expertise in building robust Power Automate flows promises a more seamless and
enhanced experience for all, without the leg-work.

Unparalleled efficiency
Pulse RPA® has the ability to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no breaks needed.

Endless potential
Since this solution can be used across all applications and services, it can do anything you task it to.

100% accuracy
With human error being out of the question, Pulse RPA® completes tasks without the risk of errors.
02 / 12 / 2024
"Pulse RPA has revolutionised DEA recovery for the Recovery Team at Eastbourne and Lewes Councils. The automation that it provides significantly reduced the amount of officer time needed to process debt where we have had no engagement from the customer.
We are now able to not only deal with a higher volume of cases, but to also recovery more debt and at a faster pace. Additionally, the time saved by the automation has allowed officers to focus on other debt streams."
Darren Warman BSc (Hons), IRRV (Honours)
Senior Specialist Advisor (Digital and Data)
Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council