Mavis is our latest dataset designed to provide the digital version of your local knowledge.
Every council has a ‘Mavis’ - they know the ins and outs of who’s who and what’s what on every street. Whoever your Mavis is, they can’t physically go through each and every case.
Whoever your Mavis in the office is, they can't physically go through each case to highlight risks of homelessness or vulnerability based on the demographics of the area.
But ours can - let’s introduce you to Mavis.

Mavis knows about every postcode, and enhances it's existing knowledge with statistics such as:

Average household
income (£)

Level of crime in the

Health deprivation and

Education skills and training deprivation

How can Mavis help your Local Authority?
Mavis can bring insight into your neighbourhoods. This will ensure efforts and valuable resources are directed to areas/citizens that need it the most.
How are councils using Mavis?
Developing recovery strategies, focusing benefits take-up campaigns, tailoring outbound contact campaigns, and outreach for welfare support.

24th October 2024
"Mavis has allowed us to really understand our residents and most importantly their requirements. The Geospatial scoring at a postcode level has significantly enhanced our community support efforts.
We highly recommend Mavis. It's effective but also very easy to use."
Allan Clark Msc FIRRV MCMI
Head of Finance: Exchequer at The London Borough of Barnet